
Football Champ

When Troy White proved his remarkable “football genius” to the Atlanta Falcons, they brought him on board as a team consultant. Now, thanks to Troy’s ability to predict winning plays, the Falcons are pulling in victories. Then suddenly Troy’s perfect world comes crashing down…

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Baseball Great

Josh feels like he’s starting to make it big! Jaden, the school reporter, says he’s going to take the baseball team to number one. Then his dad pulls him off the field and signs him up with Coach Rocky Valentine’s youth championship team, the Titans. He says Josh has what it takes to be a baseball great—and the Titans will help him get there.

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Football Hero

Ty Lewis can’t believe it when he is recruited for the football team. This is Ty’s big chance to prove how fast he is on the field. But Ty’s guardian won’t let him play… he needs Ty to scrub floors and toilets for his cleaning business while he cooks up gambling schemes with the local mob boss. Ty’s fast. Can he outrun the mob?

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Football Genius

Twelve-year-old Troy has the ability to watch a football game and know what the other team is going to do by computing the complex patterns and variables of their strategy; this soon gets him into trouble…

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