For Kids

Kids Only!

Here are some special messages for you from Tim. It’s not easy growing up but it sure can be fun. Tim shares what he’s learned about being successful at home, on the field and in the classroom.



Perseverance is that determination to follow something through until the end. It’s playing until the final whistle and always doing your best, even when things seem to be going against you. It is the key to success.

Perseverance often proves that you don’t always have to be the smartest, the richest or the funniest person in the room, but you do have to learn to endure. When you practice perseverance in everything you do, you will start to build your natural endurance for seeing your way through difficult or challenging circumstances. As that natural endurance grows, you will start to feel the joy of hard work and overcoming difficult obstacles. It makes your successes that much sweeter. You will be proud of yourself.

No matter how blessed you are, life is always going to throw you curveballs. When you learn to persevere, who knows, you might even start looking forward to some of those curveballs. You never know when your hard work will tilt the balance and pay off, so you have to stay committed to those things that are most important to you.