For Kids

Kids Only!

Here are some special messages for you from Tim. It’s not easy growing up but it sure can be fun. Tim shares what he’s learned about being successful at home, on the field and in the classroom.



Generosity is one of the pillars of character. The more we share our blessings, the better we make the world around us.

When you’re younger, it can be difficult to understand the importance of generosity and giving. You might feel like you don’t have many of the things you need yet and there are many things you’d like to have. That’s OK, it’s all part of growing up. But at some point, you will learn that things are just things and its people that are most important.

The act of giving changes each of us. When we learn to give selflessly to others and freely share our blessings, that’s when we really start to discover the best version of ourselves. Try it, start small and give something of yourself to someone that needs it more than you do. If that feels good to you, do it again. If that feels good, commit to doing it for the rest of your life.